Lawn Healthcare
Say goodbye to crabgrass and hello to green carpets.
Lawn Program
All nutritional needs of your lawn will be met with six (6)
scheduled lawn healthcare visits throughout the growing
season. Common broadleaf and grass weeds will be
controlled with a combination of pre-emergent and post-
emergent weed control applications performed as spot or
broadcast applications as deemed necessary. Common
insect issues such as grubs, billbugs, and chinch bugs will
also, be controlled as part of this program.
Soil sample collection is highly encouraged (but not included) in order to aid in the selection of fertilizer for the property.
Application 1: An early spring application combination of pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer is applied to all turf areas. Post-emergent weed control is applied weather permitting.
Application 2: A mid-spring application containing a pre-emergent weed control booster, combination fertilizer and specifically targets post-emergent broadleaf weeds.
Application 3: An early summer application of fertilizer designed to prepare the grass for summer and drought stress. This application includes surface insect control to combat pests such as chinch bugs and billbugs. Grub control can be added to this application for an additional cost.
Application 4: During the height of the summer heat, a turf fertilizer containing micronutrients and beneficial bacteria will be applied to aid in stress recovery. As the turf growth slows, tough grass and broadleaf weeds will be targeted with appropriate herbicides.
Application 5: The first application for fall fertilizer, this booster insecticide may be applied if needed. Any remaining weeds will be treated with a post-emergent herbicide.
Application 6: A late fall application of heavy fertilizer, this will encourage grass root growth and feed the turf all winter long. Being the most important time to fertilize, it will promote the rapid green-up in the spring of next year.
***All fertilizer and pesticide application records are kept on file. Labels and MSD sheets are available upon request.
Lawn Disease Control
A series of (***) visits used to suppress the spread of common fungal pathogens such as red thread, rust, leaf spot, brown patch, dollar spot, and snow mold. These applications can be curative or preventative in nature and work best when performed with a quality nutrient-management program. The number of visits required will be determined by your lawn healthcare specialist.
Lawn Core Aeration
Performed in the fall, lawn core aeration will relieve soil compaction, improve air circulation, aid in water and nutrient absorption, decrease thatch layer and encourage root expansion. Plugs of 2-4 inches will be pulled from the soil and left to naturally decompose on the top of the turf. All hard surfaces will be blown off and left free of debris.
Lawn Overseeding
In conjunction with the lawn core aeration, a certified blend of grass seed (determined by yard type) will be broadcast spread over all turf areas at a rate of 4lbs/1000 square feet. Grass seed will settle in core aeration holes and get ‘planted’ by decomposing plugs. Lawn overseeding is one of the few ways to increase turf density.
Lawn Grub Control
Preventative or curative control measures used to suppress beetle larvae populations in turf grass. If this service is selected in addition to the regular turf program, it will be performed with Application 3.
Like what you see? Head on over to our Plant Healthcare section to see options for your plant needs.